Calling all 5-16 year olds!
The End of Year Game Time is back! Sat 21st Dec: End of Year Awards Lunch. Sat 28th Dec: Youth Leaders Lunch with Mentors @ Afrikana Resturant, Dalston. Mon 30th Dec: Roller Skating + Gaming Party @ City Academy, Homerton Row, Hackney, E9 6EA Tues 31st Dec: Lunch @ Wyke Community Hall, E9 + Gravity Trip Stratford. All Session Times: 12-4pm With pick ups from Pick up + drop off from Nisbet House, Frampton Park, Shacklewell and Nye Bevan available. (Pick up is at 11.30am from corresponding the estate community centre) How much does it cost? Funded by the HAF Programme, Game Time is free for young people aged 5-16 years old eligible for free school meals. APPLY FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALS Check here if you have not yet applied for free school meals via The Learning Trust. If eligible for Free School Meals your child can participate for free. If not eligible there is a daily fee of £10. |
We are Ofsted RegisteredIf you do not qualify for Free School Meals you may be Eligible discounts.
Up to 70% with Ofsted Our Unique Registration Number is 2738987. |
Register Now
What is Game Time?
Multi sports + Cooking + Trips
Game Time reduces holiday learning loss
Game Time prevents learning loss over the school holidays, particularly over the summer.
“Learning loss” refers to the months of learning pupils are behind following the pandemic, compared to a typical, pre-pandemic school year. (Education Policy Institute. Secondary schools with a high proportion of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds had learning losses 50% higher than those serving fewer pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds (losing 2.2 months vs 1.5 months of learning during the summer holidays). Pupils eligible for free school meals showed greater levels of learning loss than their peers from more financially advantaged backgrounds. Average learning loss in reading for primary school-aged pupils eligible for free school meals in March 2021 was 2.7 months. However, by summer term, this decreased to 1.2 months.
At the same time, learning loss in reading for secondary-aged pupils eligible for free school meals actually increased over the academic year 2020-21. In autumn, reading losses for disadvantaged pupils were 1.9 months, but by summer 2021, this had increased to 2.4 months.
Healthy EatingWe serve culturally diverse hot meals prepared within 3 miles of venue, cooked by qualified chefs. All Meals are halal, with vegan options available.
For young people eligible for Free School Meals, meals are free. we offer affordable or free meals for young people who are vulnerable or their family may be in need. Feedback on the Quality of Food We invite you to give us feedback about the quality of our food via this short form, this is also the quickest way to make a complaint about the food. If however, it is an urgent matter, please call us directly on 02081588500, 07412640174 or email [email protected], titling the email FOOD ISSUE! |
Become a Game TIme Youth Leader
Each year young people aged 14-16 take the lead, as peer leaders, supporting Game Time to ensure every child matters and is engaged in the programme.
Qualifications our youth leaders gain include: First Aid, L1 - L2 Youth Sports coach, Food Hygiene, Open Learning Certificate in Understanding Customers, Aqa Award in Project Management. Our youth leaders also gain: - The qualities and character required for work - Confidence in sharing views, opinions and ideas - Self esteem and value of life - Improved quality of life - Healthy mindset - Better understanding of career options / routes. |
What you missed last summerThis summer, we delivered a range of multiport's, creative arts, trips, coding and mentoring. Here's an overview of who engaged:
Hackney: 95 unique participants Waltham Forest: 80 Unique Participants Hackney: 1022 total sessions attended Waltham Forest: 384 total sessions attended Learning need or disability: 38% Free School Meals: 98% Vulnerability: 10% |